Our frequently asked Questions


What is a Skin Care Plan?

A plan designed by our master injectors specifically for you, to address your concerns and act as a guideline for your treatment within our clinic. This will include recommendations from your injector in order to optimize results and combine treatment care plans so you can “be and feel the best version of YOU!”

How much will my treatment cost?

Our pricing is based on each individual client’s needs and wants. Our pricing scale is based on how much product you may require to achieve your desired result. For this reason, it is difficult to provide quotes without seeing the client in person to assess them. All pricing and quotes will be provided based on the area treated during the initial consult with your injector. Packages are available to discount rates to clients as well.

Why do I need to have an initial consult?

This will allow our injectors to assess your skin, the area you would like treated, and your individual goal for skin care to make appropriate, realistic recommendations that are best suited to you. This will also allow us to discuss any relevant questions or concerns you may have and review your medical history with our medical director.

How do I book an appointment?

You can book an appointment at through our online booking page, by calling the clinic at (289) 244-8492 or through our main Instagram page, @solange.medicalaesthetics, or directly through your desired injector.

Please note: All SPECIALTY SERVICES (i.e. Radiesse, IV Treatments Sculptra & Threads) must be paid up front in full prior to treatment commencing with the healthcare professional.

Will my injection treatment hurt?

A small amount of discomfort is expected during any injection treatment but our injectors will utilize medical and physical means of pain management to help reduce any discomfort you may feel during your procedure. A topical or injectable anesthetic may be used at the discretion of your injector.

What areas of the body are suitable for injection?

• Toxin: between the brows (glabella), crows feet, bunny lines (nose), frontalis (forehead), corrugator and tails (above the eyebrows), lip lines, masseter (teeth grinding and jaw slimming), lip flip, dimpled chin, bands on the neck, brow lift

• Filler: cheeks, jawline, chin, tear trough (under eyes), temples, horizontal forehead lines, smokers lines (around the lips), lips, nasolabial folds (laugh lines), marionette lines

Who is a good candidate for injectables?

Please discuss your specific medical history with your injector during your consultation and we can advise you further. Clients who are receiving immunotherapy, breastfeeding, or pregnant are not eligible for injectable treatments at this time. Please call tel:2892448492 or email info@solangemedicalaesthetics.ca our clinic for any questions you may have.

How long will my neuromodulator (toxin) procedure take?

On average, we say to plan for 30-40 minutes per treatment area. This may vary based on your skin type or the injector’s preference. 

How often do I need to get maintenance injections done?

For Toxin: every 2-3 months, this may differ for some individuals depending on the amount injected and the body’s ability to metabolize the substance.

For Fillers: every 6-12 months, this may differ for some individuals depending on the amount injected and the body’s ability to metabolize the substance.

What is the benefit of at-home care?

Continuing your skincare routine at home can greatly improve the results you see with in-clinic treatments, as well as aid in the longevity of results done by your nurse injector. This may even save you some money in the long run as you may not require as much maintenance/upkeep in between appointments due to your home care routine.

What products do you offer for at-home care?

Our clinic carries the Alumier MD skincare line in-house, with the ability to purchase online through our website as well.. Halo Rose Quartz Vibrating facial rollers and LED at home-light handheld light therapy devices are also available in clinic or online for purchase.

What is your Cancellation Policy? 

We do require 48 hours notice to cancel or reschedule an appointment. Appointments cancelled, rebooked or no show may result in a lost deposit or Groupon session. In order to rebook, you may be required to leave another deposit or the same or greater amount. If you no longer wish to have your treatment done, you can use your deposit towards another treatment type of your choice or Alumier skincare products. Please note, deposits are non-refundable and non-transferrable. If you have prepurchased a promotion, and last minute cancel or no show an appointment, the equivalent to the deposit amount will be deducted from your prepayment. A deposit may also be required if you have prepurchased a promotion and will be refunded to you after the appointment if no cancellation or no show takes place.

Do you have affordable payment options?

Yes, we are partnered with doFinance to offer affordable payment plans for our clients so that you can still have the treatments you love and not break the bank! 

What do I do if I have a concern about my recent procedure?

Please contact the clinic if you have any questions or concerns about your recent treatment and we would be happy to walk you through them. Our qualified team of nurse injectors will provide you will as much information and health teaching as possible before you leave our clinic but for any additional concerns, please call (289) 244-8492 or email info@solangemedicalaesthetics.ca or message your injector directly.

image of a woman after botox - Solange Medical Aesthetics
We offer financing - Solange Medical Aesthetics
Treatment - Solange Medical Aesthetics
image of a woman sitting with her back against the wall